2024-08-192024-08-192024-08-192023-08-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/616This work shows the importance of working on environmental education in basic education. It was developed with information and data obtained through the project promoted at Escola Professora Zenobia belonging to the municipal education network of Campo Alegre that took place during the year 2022. The objective was to emphasize the theme of solid waste, working on environmental education and providing information to students, teachers and school staff about the importance of recycling, highlighting selective collection, through practical activities of collecting paper, plastic and metal generated by the school community. The project sought to analyze the importance of addressing Environmental Education in schools to prepare citizens more concerned with environmental issues, thus contributing to the preservation of the environment.Acesso AbertoEducação AmbientalResíduos sólidosColeta seletivaConscientizaçãoEnvironmental EducationSolid wasteSelective collectionAwarenessO papel de transformação da educação ambiental no âmbito escolar : um estudo de caso no município de Campo Alegre - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS