2024-04-162024-04-162024-04-162023-12-13https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/516In a scenario of relentless pursuit of technological solutions, speed in software development is crucial. However, an accelerated process without proper attention and with planning issues can compromise software maintenance and quality, leading to problems such as the introduction of accidental complexity, delays in deliveries, and the long-term obsolescence of the product. Model-based code generation emerges as a mitigating factor for these challenges, accelerating the development process, maintaining standardized code, reducing the introduction of human errors, and promoting the adoption of good software practices. This work focuses on the research and development of a tool for code generation in the Go language, integrating it into the architecture of ports and adapters, representing a significant contribution to research in code generation. The proposal aims to provide a practical and effective solution while also striving to optimize the efficiency and scalability of the process, further enhancing the applicability of the developed tool.Acesso AbertoGeração de códigoArquitetura de portas e adaptadoresDesenvolvimento orientado a modeloLinguagem Go (Golang)Flexibilidade de códigoCode generationPorts and adapters architectureModel-driven developmentGo language (Golang)Code flexibilityToth: geração de código baseada na arquitetura de portas e adaptadores em GolangTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA