2024-07-032024-07-032024-07-032018-06-16https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/530Based on Applied Linguistics (LA) and following a qualitative ethnographic perspective (Lüdke & André, 2012), this research aims to show how orality is worked by teachers in the classroom, specifically in the 3rd Grade Secondary School of a state public school in Alagoas, in the municipality of Maceió, because we understand that it is in this series that the processes of passage to the various higher education courses begin, in which the students receive a greater charge on the part of the teachers, at the time of present a school work. As a theoretical basis, authors such as Marcuschi (2007a e 2007), who advocated the need for a work with orality in the classroom, were used in order to stimulate interactions between students and teachers; the NCPs (1999), which put the various modes of language action as reflecting the subjects' experiences, emotions, desires, needs, worldviews, values and points of view, as well as discussing (1998), Antunes (2003), Koch & Elias (2012 e 2014), Marcuschi (2007a e 2007b), as well as other authors who do not agree with the principles of Clarity, Fluency, Audiobility, Lightness, Inteligibility, Coherence and Coherence. less important. From a methodological point of view, this research is qualitative, based on Lüdke & André (2012), since it is located in a classroom as a social and real context of systematization of knowledge, verifying the impressions of the subjects on the what is happening in this school space. The results of the analysis indicate that many students arrive at this series without a deeper knowledge of the need of a work with orality in the classroom, in order to develop their linguistic, communicative and discursive skills. This happened also with the teacher accompanied. In this way, providing greater spaces for the oral language can make the classes more dynamic, attractive and meaningful for the students, who can be constituted, from this, as subjects of their actions, language and social contexts in which they live.Acesso AbertoLetras - PortuguêsLinguística aplicada - OralidadeInterações orais - Sala de aulaPortuguese languageOral interactions - ClassroomOralidade em sala de aula?: entre a teoria e a prática em atividades de Língua Portuguesa com alunos de uma 3º série do Ensino Médio numa escola pública estadual de Maceió - AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS