2023-08-252023-08-252023-08-252023-08-01https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/277The general objective of this work was to verify and analyze the risks of accidents at work present within a makerspace, so that work safety analyzes were carried out together with the preliminary risk analysis in accordance with the regulatory standards applicable at home. case, to observe the existing risks, analyze and take measures to prevent and extinguish these risks. After the final analysis, it was possible to verify the points most susceptible to possible accidents at work and occupational diseases, generating a work safety manual for makerspaces, together with an appropriate checklist for the use of each equipment according to its degree of risk.Acesso AbertoGerenciamento de riscosMakerSpaceAST (Análise de Segurança do Trabalho)APR (Análise Preliminar de Risco)Manual de Segurança do TrabalhoMakerSpaceScratchsAST (Job Safety Analysis)APR (Preliminary Risk Analysis)Workplace Safety HandbookGerenciamento dos riscos em um makerspaceTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS