2024-03-192024-03-192024-03-192019-06-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/470The present research focus on the activities developed in the University extension project “Senta que lá vem a história”, from the Federal Institute of Alagoas, constitutes as an incentive to the reading, seen as basic for child's training process and as an excellent educational device for literature integration, because it has been noted as capeble of showing a pleasant literary universe. The present study is aimed at analysing the significance of etiological story in the process to promote reading and textual production for children aged between six tô twelve years old. The case study methodological approach was chosen which involves examining the theme, identifying the factors that contribute to the learning process of children in the project. We seek, in the light of the literary text studies, to analyze the importance of etiological story on encouraging reading and textual production, through the story genre, for children which are member of the project. For this purpose we choose to utilizing the reflections of authors that deals with the importance of literary reading by means of tales genre, namely: Antunes (2010), Cascudo (2014), Góes (2005), Marcushi (2002), among others. On completion of the study it was observed how much the use of etiological story can be effective in order to support children to raise interest and pleasure for reading and also stimulate textual production.Acesso AbertoLetras - Português/LiteraturaIncentivo a leitura - CriançaProdução textual - CriançaAprendizagem infantilConto etiológicoConto etiológico: um gênero distinto que estimula a imaginação, a leitura e escritaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS::LITERATURA BRASILEIRA