2023-05-262023-05-262023-05-262022-06-07https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/200The taipa house is considered a vernacular architecture technique that emerged in Africa and was taken to Europe through the Roman Empire, arriving in Brazil through the colonization process with the Portuguese. At the beginning of the colonization process, the rammed earth became inhabited by planters in the 16th and 17th centuries. Brazil, mainly along the coast, due to the development of sugarcane plantations. With the, the new building materials that were inserted in the construction houses of the temporary houses and that with, the first poor and black people, since the lords of the construction of the plantation houses make their mud houses more modern and robust. For this reason, we will briefly show how two forms of housing, as more affluent and as more popular housing, built by a poor and black population in Alagoas, which is Poxim, which in the colonial period was called Vila Real de São José do Poxim, which relied on the presence of black people for heavy work in the cane fields and in the sugar factory, and at the same time were the predominant workforce in rural and urban spaces, surrounded by sugarcane fields and seen colonial buildings.Acesso AbertoCasa de TaipaPobrezaNegroPoximAlagoasTaipa HousePovertyBlackCasa de taipa: habitação de negro e pobre no poxim tão antigo e tão atualTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS