2024-08-262024-08-262024-08-262022-07-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/638In 2019, the first edition of the environmental science fair was held face-to-face. In its second and third editions in 2020/2021, these had to be readapted to virtual mode due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in which educational institutions had their calendars paralyzed, affecting a large part of the students in Brazilian public schools. In this context, this research aims to present the results of the Third Environmental Science Fair of Marechal Deodoro, as a strategy to promote the generation of knowledge in a non-formal educational environment, seeking to promote activities that meet the concepts of sustainable development. To this end, eight types of work were developed to promote the motivation, incentive, and curiosity of high school students from public schools in Marechal Deodoro, and in parallel, the effectiveness of this instrument was evaluated in times of social isolation. The result was the dissemination of knowledge about environmental sciences and sustainable development in times of social isolation.Acesso AbertoDesenvolvimento SustentávelCiências AmbientaisEducação AmbientalEnsino de CiênciasSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental EducationScience TeachingA Feira de ciências como espaço não formal de ensino: uma estratégia de ampliação de conhecimentos relacionados as ciências ambientais em Marechal Deodoro – ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS