2024-09-112024-09-112024-09-112023-05-17https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/724The composting of vegetable waste is considered a low cost alternative when compared to the disposal of organic waste in landfills or in inappropriate sites. However, there is a lack of research that can make the composting process feasible, given the great variety of organic waste produced, as well as the awareness of society in separating and correctly disposing of solid waste. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the behavior of temperature between two treatments, containing organic waste (fruits and vegetables) and tanned sawdust, in different concentrations of material rich in carbon (tanned sawdust), until the mesophilic phase of cooling, using two compositions of different organic materials, in two home composting tanks for each composition. The results obtained from the thermal behavior of home composting, indicated similar results, from the beginning to the end of the composting, with temperature ranges that did not exceed 50°C, where the composters 1AGM and 2AGM, remained at temperatures of 27 to 34°C and the composters 3AM and 4AM with similar ranges of 28 to 33°C, which may be associated with the interference of external factors (wind and rain) and the volume of organic material composted.Acesso AbertoResíduos orgânicosCompostagemTemperaturaBaixo custoOrganic wasteCompostingTemperatureLow costAvaliação do comportamento térmico de resíduos orgânicos de feira livre compostado em composteira caseira – IFALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS