2024-08-092024-08-092024-08-092024-01-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/594This study focused on assessing the perception of women in situations of social vulnerability in relation to the eco-sustainable consumption of menstrual hygiene items, with special attention to the environmental impacts associated with the improper disposal of these products, as well as their composition and production process. The methodological path comprised four stages: (1) Systematic Literature Review; (2) Case study, incorporating interviews and focus group; (3) Content Analysis; and (4) Production of Technical and Technological Products, including Manuals for the use and production of reusable fabric pads, Didactic Manual of guidelines for a more sustainable and healthy menstrual cycle, Didactic Material of guidelines for a more sustainable and healthy menstrual cycle, and Social Technology – Reusable Fabric Pads. The results show that, for women in vulnerable situations, environmental perception is not one of the main factors influencing the adoption of reusable items. The lack of information, together with the limited availability of these products and economic conditions, emerged as determinants in this transition process. Thus, the need to democratize information is highlighted, promoting the autonomy of menstruating people and facilitating more accurate and ecologically conscious choices. The creation of educational materials, such as manuals and teaching resources, represents a practical contribution to empowering women, enabling informed and conscious choices regarding menstrual hygiene. These resources seek to disseminate information about the benefits of reusable products, encouraging more sustainable and healthy practices.Acesso AbertoProdutos menstruais sustentáveisConsumo sustentávelEducação menstrualSustainable menstrual productsSustainable consumptionMenstrual educationAnálise da percepção de mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade em relação ao consumo ecossustentável de produtos de higiene menstrualDissertaçãoOUTROS