2023-06-132023-06-132023-06-132022-04-26https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/224This research aimed to analyze the energy situation in buildings such as hostels, inns, hostels and guest houses, prospecting the potential of wind and photovoltaic energy in the surroundings of these environments. The methodology included the reading of standards and guidelines for sustainable projects and of consolidated energy certification models, research on energy management and the carrying out of studies to achieve energy efficiency in the building. The type of research was the research in a real building. Data collection was performed with automated measurement systems previously developed in research projects by the Innovation and Technology in Metrology and Instrumentation (ITM) of IFAL - Maceió campus within the Intelligent Instrumentation Core (NII), such as the wind potential meter and the smart energy meter. With the actual data collected, analysis was performed to meet the goal of energy sufficiency of the facility. The results of the analyzed data indicated that the use of photovoltaic energy proved to be a more viable option at the expense of energy captured through wind turbines. The research also identified gaps regarding a methodology for performance analysis of microgeneration in photovoltaic and wind power systems, which justifies the present work, and innovative proposal.Acesso AbertoMicrogeraçãoSistemas HíbridosAnálise EnergéticaMicrogenerationHybrid SystemsEnergy AnalysisAnálise energética de edificações: estudo de caso na região metropolitana de MaceióTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS