2024-09-102024-09-102024-09-102023-12-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/715This project focuses on applying computational thinking and programming logic to individuals with visual impairments, aiming to develop an accessible learning application. Using pre-developed 3D physical blocks and QR codes, the application provides an accessible and interactive interface, allowing users to construct algorithms tangibly and step-by-step. All of this aligns with web accessibility guidelines, providing an adapted experience for mobile devices and screen readers. Following implementation, a detailed evaluation was conducted to assess the tool's effectiveness. This work highlights the results of this assessment, along with the lessons learned during development. The emphasis lies in the practical applicability of the tool in teaching programming logic to individuals with visual impairments, with the goal of providing an accessible and effective learning experience. The results demonstrated that the tool brings significant benefits to programming learning for individuals with visual impairments, not only ensuring their inclusion but also enhancing the overall quality of education.Acesso AbertoLógica de programaçãoDeficientes visuais.Blocos físicos 3DAplicativo web progressivoTrabalhando o pensamento computacional em alunos com deficiência visualTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ : CIÊNCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA : CIÊNCIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO