2023-05-262023-05-262023-05-262022-03-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/203This work deals with intertextuality, making a relationship between the series Chaves (1971) and the saga Harry Potter (1997). With the objective of analyzing these works in the perspective of identifying common aspects, despite having a 26 years distance between them. Conceptualizes the intertextuality evidencing when it is implicit or explicit. It presents the series Chaves, making an explanation about its way of life and the importance of Chiquinha and Kiko. Already in the work of Harry Potter, explaining the context that surrounds it. Analyze the two works to identify the dialogues between both. The methodology is focused on bibliographic research of a qualitative nature, whose theoretical basis is based on the consultations of books, articles and scientific works available on the internet from which selective readings and recordings were made. Results show that it is possible to have common aspects between the two even though there is no connection between their authors. It is concluded that intertextuality was established with propriety in both works studied, since the convergent pints became quite evident.Acesso AbertoGênero textualIntertextualidadeLiteraturaTextual genderIntertextualityLiteratureTextos e intertextualidade: a criação de uma nova históriaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES