2024-09-102024-09-102024-09-102023-06-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/714This study aimed to analyze the textbooks of the 4th grade classes, adopted by municipal schools in the city of Limoeiro de Anadia, in Alagoas. We seek to have a perception of teaching in relation to the transversality of environmental themes. So, trying to understand the teacher's experience and difficulty when using this material, and if this material has a broad and clear language when addressing the environment theme. For the construction of this study, the didactic material was used as a descriptive methodological basis through the analysis of the content of the chosen books. Through the analysis of the books we can perceive the importance of a good and evaluated material because it will accompany the student for a year, where experiences and knowledge will be acquired. Through the analysis, it was possible to perceive the importance of the environmental theme and that, despite bringing important texts and reflections, it is treated in a disjointed way without the interdisciplinary look and the proper connection with the local reality, thus bringing a deficit in the use of the material used.Acesso AbertoLivros didáticosMeio AmbienteInterdisciplinaridadeTextbooksEnvironmentInterdisciplinaritAprendendo sobre o meio ambiente: análise dos livros didáticos do município de Limoeiro de Anadia-AlTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS