2024-08-152024-08-152024-08-152023-12-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/613This research aimed to report the development of fieldwork in a state school in the public education network in Alagoas. This is an experience report emphasizing the challenges and perspectives on the training itineraries of the new secondary education. This research is based on the understanding of the curriculum as a crucial tool in the construction of educational processes. To analyze the school curriculum, the theories of Sacristán (2019), Silva (2007) and Pimenta (2002) are explored, offering insights to understand the role of the curriculum in structuring teaching. The specific focus of the study is on New Secondary Education (NEM) and training itineraries, contextualizing them in light of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) (2017), as a normative document that provides an important reference for investigating contemporary educational dynamics. Furthermore, the research is also based on the perspective of teacher training, using the guidelines of BNC Professores (2019) and the contributions of Saviani (2021) with the aim of relating theory and practice in this new teaching model aimed at secondary education. The methodology used is qualitative in nature, following the guidelines of Gil (2002), the research seeks to relate the experiences, perceptions and challenges faced by education professionals in the implementation of training itineraries exploring narratives and classroom experiences in the context of the state network education. Finally, this study seeks to contribute to the reflection and improvement of pedagogical practices used in contemporary times, identifying challenges and outlining perspectives that can guide educational management, teacher training and curricular development in the state education network.Acesso AbertoLetras - PortuguêsPrática pedagógicaFormação docenteItinerários formativosCurrículoNovo ensino médioFormação docente e prática pedagógica em contexto de sala de aula: percepções sobre os itinerários formativos na rede estadual de ensino de AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS