2024-02-282024-02-282024-02-282023-11-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/388Ethnobiology is the study of knowledge and concepts developed by any culture about biology, contributing to the interaction of people and human groups with the environment. Furthermore, it understands the form of development of the most varied existing cultures, such as traditional communities, that is, rural, riverside, quilombola and indigenous populations, perceiving and conceiving the natural systems in which they are included. Its contribution to science teaching lies in the training of teachers, who are sensitive to cultural diversity for the development of social and planetary awareness. This relevance raised the question: What is the contribution of scientific publications on Ethnobiology, carried out in the northeast region of Brazil, to the teaching-learning of Sciences? The study aimed to carry out a qualitative analysis of works produced between 2018 and 2023 in northeastern Brazil, focusing on investigating the influence of Ethnobiology on the teaching-learning of Sciences. This study proposed to carry out a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which is relevant evidence for a specific intervention strategy, applying explicit and systematic search methods, critical evaluation and synthesis of selected information. 35 studies were found, where 12 were included and 23 excluded, and the discussion of the results wascarried out through works produced between the years 2018 and 2023 in northeastern Brazil. The descriptors used for the research were: science teaching; ethnobiology and science teaching; environment and ethnobiology, with the exclusion criteria being research not written in the official language of Brazil (Portuguese) and not available on the chosen platforms. In this way, they also showed the policies aimed at teachers regarding the culture of traditional communities, such as those of quilombolas and indigenous people, which were present in the teaching provided, not only in the science discipline, but throughout the school curriculum, where teachers innovate about their pedagogical practices, detecting that it is possible to affirm that Ethnobiology contributes to the process of continuing education. It is necessary to reflect on the teacher's relationship with scientific knowledge and their mediating role in this teaching, especially in their continued training, as a large part of the teacher's ideas are the result of their training.Acesso AbertoEtnobiologiaEnsino de CiênciasDocentesDiálogoSaberes culturaisA contribuição da etnobiologia para o ensino de ciências: uma revisão sistemática de literaturaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEducação.