2024-01-222024-01-222024-01-222023-11-01https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/352It is known that surface waters available for human consumption are increasingly polluted, making groundwater important sources for water supply in cities. Therefore, evaluating the potability of water from boreholes is of paramount importance to ensure the safety of its consumers, as this process includes the analysis of physical-chemical and microbiological parameters to identify harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, the main objective of this study was to conduct a research on the water quality supplying a residential area located in the municipality of Maceió, Alagoas. Samples were collected and subjected to laboratory analysis during the months of August and September 2023, individually evaluating the parameters that make up the Water Quality Index (WQI), and subsequently comparing the results with the limits set by CONAMA Resolution No 357/2005. Throughout the study, it was observed that the WQI not only serves as an effective tool for communication with society, providing information about the quality conditions of water bodies, but is also the main qualitative indicator used in Brazil for water quality assessment. This systematic approach allows not only a comprehensive evaluation but also facilitates public understanding of the overall water quality conditions in the region. Thus, the importance of water quality analysis for human consumption is emphasized, highlighting its relevance in ensuring public health.Acesso AbertoPotabilidadeÁgua SubterrâneaÍndice de Qualidade da ÁguaPotabilityGroundwaterWater Quality IndexAnálise da qualidade da água do poço que abastece o residencial casa forte no bairro do Antares em Maceió-AlTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS