2023-08-252023-08-252023-08-252019-03-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/269The electronic invoice project (NF-e), was originated in 2005, with the objective of replacing the manual invoice template. The NF-e project, aims to computerize its processes, rendering obsolete the manual procedure previously adopted and gradually initiating the mandatory use of NF-e throughout the country. This new model of invoices, made it difficult for companies to adapt their fiscal, administrative and financial management to it. At the beginning of the current millennium, the term software-as-a-service (SaaS) begins to be widespread. SaaS refers to services as pieces of software resident in the cloud, usually available over the Internet by browsers. Its users interact directly with the software in the cloud, just as if it were installed locally. Examples of known SaaS applications are: Gmail, Dropbox and Spotify. The model has benefits, such as cost reduction in the acquisition and composition of the infrastructure, greater flexibility and greater ease of access. The SaaS model, represents a huge chunk in the use of cloud computing in organizations worldwide, being so a motivator for the adherence of new companies and organizations. In order to address the main difficulties in NF-e management, combining the main benefits of the SaaS model, the present work proposes a progressive web application (PWA), that it is a set of ideas to enhance the user experience, that facilitates the management of NF-e, bringing readability and availability of the information contained in them. For this purpose, there were made a systematic review of the literature, field research to validate functionalities for the platform, development of a minimum viable product (MVP) carried out according to what was collected in the research and, finally, the validation of the platform with companies in person that justified the purpose of this. As a result, the platform proposes modern web technology coupled with important functionalities in NF-e management, becoming an alternative to the market in the futureAcesso AbertoNota fiscal eletrônica.Software como serviço.Tecnologia PWASoftwareNFEX: software como serviço para gerenciamento de notas fiscais eletrônicas de produto em micro e pequenas empresas utilizando a tecnologia PWATrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA