2024-01-222024-01-222024-01-222019-09-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/356Camping is an activity that gain, each day more, importance inside the scope of the ecotourism in the state of Alagoas. Although highly demanded sector there are no well- structured facilities. The Mirante do Talhado camping, located at Delmiro Gouveia city, offer meals to guests on your own place. Although wide open and well ventilated, nevertheless did not offer any comfort to the users. In face of this context, the aim of that work is the development of preliminary study of interior to the creation of a living area and restaurant on the camping, starting from the concepts of ecodesign, whose goal is the reduction of environmental impacts caused by the designing process. It`s about qualitative applied research, whose method make use of techniques and tools from design thinking approach. The research development was split up into four stages. In the first stage was carried out the bibliographic and documentation quest, showing the concepts of ecodesign, ecotourism and adventure tourism; following, in the second stage, was carried out the local immersion, where was been gathered important information’s to the preliminary survey development. The third stage involves the creation of the project briefing, that contains: client profile, target audience, architectural survey and needs analysis. The project briefing set yourself up as ground to the creative process, consisting in: concept, conceptual panel and reference panel. As final product was developed a preliminary survey (fourth stage), whose the proposal gives a cozy room, practical and functional; in accordance with the concepts proposed by the ecodesign.Acesso AbertoDesign sustentávelEcoconcepção Ecodesign.EcoturismoUpcyclingEcotourismSustainable designEco conceptionEcodesignEstudo preliminar do espaço de convívio do camping mirante do talhado: uma experiência de ecodesignTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS