2022-08-222022-08-222022-02-11http:// present monographic work has as its theme "Rediscovering in reading a significant learning space for the formation of the student in Elementary School". Thus, the study outlined as a general objective: to investigate the reading practice of students in Elementary School, as a significant learning space for their formation. As specific objectives, it sought to analyze the possible difficulties of students in the process of reading practice; to identify which types of reading strategies are more efficient for the formation of the student and to perceive reading as an instrument of social and intellectual transformation for the student. Thus, we traced the following questioning as a research problem: many students show a lack of interest in the practice of reading, therefore, it is necessary to work on efficient and meaningful strategies in the school context, so that students arouse the desire and interest in reading, considering that the practice of reading provides students with better opportunities in social life. The question is: how can reading provide satisfactory learning in the student's formative process? Therefore, in search of an answer, we anchored our research in the theories of the following authors: Amarilha (2010), Antunes (2007), Cagliari (1989), Demo (2007), Freire (1989, 2000, 2003), Kleiman (2002), Solé (1998), among others. The research adopted is of a qualitative nature, whose methodological bias is the bibliographic research for literature review, since the theme analyzed and in-depth, in this research, had as a starting point: scientific articles, books and dissertations, which corroborated the proposed theme. In this way, the bibliographic research on the mentioned theme allowed a deeper and broader knowledge about the subject under debate, now researched, as it guided us to rediscover in reading a significant learning space for the formation of the student in elementary school.Acesso AbertoLeituraAprendizagemFormação de alunoEnsino fundamentalReadingLearningStudent trainingElementary SchoolRedescobrindo na leitura um espaço significativo de aprendizagem para a formação do aluno no ensino fundamentalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES