2023-04-112023-04-112023-04-112022-12-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/163This course conclusion work aims to develop an interior design project of a closet of an adult woman located in a residential environment in the city of Maceió-AL. Therefore, it was necessary to understand the historical aspects of "storing" elements of clothing, checking how this process has been modified over time and how furniture is currently thought to meet the needs of users. In order to design a place that combines functionality with aesthetics, we sought in the principles of ergonomics the guidelines for the correct sizing of the various spaces, In an attempt to create a place that could accommodate in a versatile way objects and various pieces of clothing of the users. In this sense, it was also sought to verify how the organization of the closets and the role of the personal Organizer occurs, as a professional who helps, customizes and complements the organization of the furniture designed by the designer for these environments. Taking advantage of this theoretical basis, the design methodologies in interior design and product were used from the investigation of the needs, desires and physical characteristics of the users of the space, proposing solutions that balance aesthetics and having as final result a closet. Thus, we sought to elaborate a personalized and versatile closet, centered on the user of the space, where he can choose, according to his needs and desires, the compartments (drawers, niches for accessories, shelves, shoe racks, hives) and their ways of use.Acesso AbertoErgonomiaOrganizaçãoPersonal organizerClosetMóveis planejadosErgonomicsOrganizationPlanned furnitureCada coisa em seu lugar: proposta de projeto do closet circundanteTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS