2023-07-242023-07-242023-07-242019-11-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/238This study has as focus or development and use of Handled Teaching Material called "Hydraulic Scale", as auxiliary means for the teaching of Mathematics in Basic Education. According to data from the Basic Education Assessment System (SAEB), released in 2018 by the Ministry of Education (MEC), 70% of students who finish high school in Brazil can use mathematics. For this reason, the discussion here in case of evidence of how to develop a didactic sequence that enables the creation and / or reconstruction of concepts related to the study of functions adopted for “Hydraulic balance” as an auxiliary resource in the application of the Problem Solving methodology in study of degree one polynomial functions. Commanding as a reference to the methodology of Problem Solving Related to the Use of Handling Teaching Material (MDM) "Hydraulic Balance", look for the meaning of the basic concepts related to the theme in question, seeking to converge to an idea that prioritizes relationships between the environment of the classroom and the diary of the subjects involved. In this direction, take as reference the problem-solving theory of Polya (1995); a proposal by Lorenzato (2006) on the use of teaching materials in teacher education; and Pais theory (2008), which emphasizes the formation of concepts and conceptual fields. It is expected that the discussions present in the body of this study may cause reflections on mathematical learning through the meaning of the concepts.Acesso AbertoMatemáticaMaterial didático manipuláveis.Recurso metodológicoO material didático como recurso metodológico : uma abordagem à balança hidráulica no estudo da função polinomial de grau 1Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIÊNCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA