2024-03-192024-03-192024-03-192023-10-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/464The main objective of this article is to analyze the planned implementation of Informa- tion and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the Industrial Machine Maintenance Technician course, offered at the Gustavo Paiva Operational Unit of Senai Poço (AL), as a strategy to improve professional education. in response to the demands of the technological revolution of the 21st century. As a specific objective, we address the reconfiguration of the role of the educator as an active facilitator of the learning pro- cess, using ICTs as mediators of this process, analyzing the application of adaptive study and the use of platforms and technological resources to individualize teaching, in order to meet to the varied needs of students, developing detailed intervention plan- ning, aiming to effectively improve the educational process. To achieve these objecti- ves, an approach was used based on the analysis of innovative educational practices and a review of specialized literature based on the understanding that ICTs are not just tools, but can be used as essential mediators of the learning process. We incorporated constructivist and connectivist learning theories to support our proposal, emphasizing the importance of personalizing teaching through adaptive and interactive approaches for a strategic implementation of ICTs. The expected results are reflected in a more dynamic, personalized and industrial practice-oriented education, preparing students more effectively to face the contemporary demands of the industry. This approach will promote a culture of innovation in the educational environment, recognizing that the implementation of ICTs in vocational education faces current challenges, including the need for continuous training of educators and overcoming digital barriers, preparing students for contemporary demands and fostering a culture of innovation in the edu- cational environment.Acesso AbertoTecnologias EducacionaisEnsino-aprendizagemFerramentas EducacionaisEducational TechnologiesTeaching-learningEducational TooUtilizando tecnologias educacionais como ferramentas de ensino no curso técnico de nível médio em manutenção de máquinas industriaisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS