2024-08-262024-08-262024-08-262022-04-07https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/631Starting from the idea that reading and writing are two extremely important skills for life in society and for access to knowledge, the present work aims to analyze the importance of phonological awareness in the process of acquiring reading and writing through playful pedagogical practices having as input activities that promote the autonomy of reading and writing. For the development of this work, a qualitative bibliographic research was carried out based on the authors: Bizzotto; Aroeira; Porto (2010), Brasil (1997), Dehaene (2012), Fernandes (2010), Fonseca (2002), Mazucato (2018), Morais (2019), Solé (1998) and Ribeiro (2011), so that it was possible to base and argue consistently on the subject. The conclusion of this work shows that phonological awareness is an important ally in the literacy and literacy processes, especially when it is worked in a playful way and that involves students, so that one can arouse the interest and the taste for knowing even more the language world.Acesso AbertoConsciência FonológicaEscritaLeituraEnsinoPhonological AwarenessWritingReadingEducationA importância da consciência fonológica no processo de aquisição da línguaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES