2024-03-142024-03-142024-03-142023-12-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/454One of the main objects of study in contemporary research on discursive genres is the thought of Mikhail Bakhtin, who has exerted considerable influences on various areas of human and social sciences, playing a crucial role in reconfiguring how we understand the nature of human language. In this scenario, the notion of plurivocity emerges as a key concept in Bakhtin's enunciative-discursive theory, highlighting the complex interaction of heterogeneous voices that permeate different discursive genres. Thus, the central focus of this work lies in analyzing plurivocity within Bakhtin's perspective in texts from the journalistic sphere, highlighting news and reports and, through this analysis, when approaching the complexity of journalistic discourse, observing how multiple voices coexist within of the same text, influencing the construction of meanings and the reader’s interpretation. This focus not only connects with analyzes of discursive genres, but also highlights the practical application of Bakhtinian theories in the journalistic sphere. To this end, we adopted the methodology of qualitative research, incorporating the methodological assumptions of document analysis, in the search to open more space between the researcher and his object of study for the development of new ideas in a more dynamic and participatory approach. The theoretical framework sought to articulate discussions about discursive genre and plurivocity (Bakhtin, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2011), the discursive principles of the media (Charaudeau, 2013), dialogical and polyphonic principles (Brait, 2015), among others. Finally, we come to the understanding that the recognition of plurivocity not only broadens the understanding of the information scenario, but demands a new attitude in relation to the diversity of voices present, considering that true understanding emerges from the dynamic interaction between the different worldviews of those present. subjects and their intentions.Acesso AbertoGênero discursivoPlurivocidadeDiscurso jornalísticoDiscursive genrePlurivocityJournalistic discourseA Plurivocidade na linguagem jornalística: uma análise discursiva dos gêneros notícia e reportagemTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES