2023-04-252023-04-252023-04-252022-02-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/170The present work aims to create a method for categorizing students from a given class into groups A (score from 8 to 10), B (score from 6 to 7.99), C (score from 4 to 5.99) and D (score from 0 to 3.99) after carrying out an assessment, the zero assessment. And from these formed groups, select the members of groups A and B to be tutors of the members of groups C and D, so that knowledge can be decentralized. Until the next assessment, after the zero assessment, the respective tutor will be responsible for a certain group of students from groups C and D, five students, for example, who will have the obligation to teach these weaker students in the subject during the days before the next assessment. As a bonus, the tutor student can earn up to 3 points in the next test, depending on their performance and the attention paid to their mentees. These will give a grade from 0% to 100% for their respective tutor; the professor responsible for the discipline will receive these grades in secret and will compute which percentage of 3.0 points this tutor will be entitled to according to the evaluations of their respective mentees. After the second assessment, after the zero assessment, a new balance of students will be made in groups A, B, C and D, and tutors from groups A and B may drop to a lower group or mentees from groups C and D advance to groups A and B, becoming thus, new tutors. This dynamic remains throughout the course of the discipline. This method thus has the objective of raising the quality of teaching within the classroom through the decentralization of knowledge. Its methodological basis is action research. The categorization method was very well accepted by the second-year students of the integrated middle level electronics course at IFAL Campus Arapiraca. In fact, there was an improvement in the general average of the class and a decrease in the number of students in groups C and D after the post-zero assessment was applied. Therefore, we consider that we have achieved the objective of this work, which was to create an educational product for teachers in order to improve the performance of students with low academic performance within a given class, and thus establish an improvement in the quality of teaching within the classrooms in order to reduce truancy. As difficulties encountered, we can report that the analysis of the classes took place in the period before the pandemic because during the pandemic it proved to be unfeasible to apply the method given that the online assessment is milder than a face-to-face assessment, which is necessary to have a good evaluation of the students and so we can classify them correctly into groups A, B, C and D. Thus, this educational product is ready to be applied in classrooms throughout Brazil. And because it has a similarity with the Lancasterian Method but still has different and original points, before being released, this method could be patented as a Utility Model.Acesso Abertocategorização de alunosformação de tutoresdescentralização do conhecimentocategorization of studentstutor trainingknowledge decentralizationMétodo de categorização dos alunos de uma determinada turma em grupos A, B, C & D e a formação de tutores para a descentralização do conhecimentoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS