2021-09-082022-09-022021-09-082020-06-30http:// issue of violence against women is a serious and quite frequent problem in our society. Almost daily, we are brought to the attention of these cases of violence, oppression and discrimination in the face of the female figure, which lead us to realize how healthy the debate and discussion around the theme is. Thinking about strategies, not only for coping, but for prevention, is a task for everyone, including the school community. Thinking of contributing to this mission, the present work deals with the construction of a didactic sequence - SD that addresses the issue of violence against women in the context of integrated high school, in the Agroecology and Agroindustry courses at the Federal Institute of Alagoas - IFAL, Murici campus. The research investigated how this theme is worked in the discipline of Sociology, which teaching methodologies are used and whether they are sufficient to deepen knowledge and whether the Maria da Penha Law is part of the object of study. We chose Action Research as a methodological tool and for data collection, the questionnaire was used, applied to teachers and students of both courses and which served as a basis for the development of DS as an educational product. It was concluded that the theme is worked on, however, the existing methodologies are not sufficient to deepen it, in view of the limited weekly time that the discipline has. However, we are certain that the present research contributes to a more humanized student formation and more committed to the social problems that afflict certain historically excluded groups, as is the case of women, as it is not enough that the professional and technological education developed by Federal Institutes only form for the job market, as the nomenclature suggests. It is necessary to keep in mind, always, the idea of omnilaterality that integral education provides, as it enables the development of human potentialities, facilitates the apprehension and diffusion of knowledge and, consequently, trains more active and participative citizens in the process of making decisions in your community.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilViolência contra a mulherEnsino Médio IntegradoEnsinoProduto EducacionalViolência de Gênero: a lei maria da penha como ação afirmativa no combate à violência contra a mulher no contexto do ensino médio integradoDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS