2024-08-222024-08-222024-08-222022-05-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/630The present work aimed to present the linguistic variation in Portuguese Language Teaching, highlighting linguistic prejudice as a challenge that needs to be faced in the school environment, specifically in teaching practices. This objective arose when noticing that the discipline of Portuguese Language has been worked with a very strong focus on its traditionalist bias, a factor that centralizes normative grammar, treating it as if it were the only correct form, thus ignoring other linguistic varieties, which will lead to prejudice in relation to other varieties, which are considered and classified as wrong before the standard norm. The methodological procedures developed in Portuguese language classes are considered a negative point, which can and should probably generate disinterest in learning what the mentioned discipline offers. From these facts, some problems that need to be solved in teaching were found, and with that comes the question: what are the challenges faced by teachers with non-standard language teaching in elementary schools, in the final grades? To arrive at a possible answer, bibliographic research was used as a method, which is qualitative in nature, being carried out through exclusively theoretical procedures. The research result was promising, as it brought positive and enlightening contributions in relation to the general objective of the work, proving that there is in fact an interference of linguistic prejudice in the development of teaching and student learning and that such interference has hindered the subject's interest apprentice.Acesso AbertoVariedade linguísticaPreconceito linguísticoEnsino de língua maternaLinguistic varietyLinguistic prejudiceMother tongue teachingA variação linguística no ensino de língua portuguesa: perspectivas e desafiosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES