2025-02-172025-02-172019-04-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/857This article was motivated by a carried out research based on the use of dramatization as a methodological strategy in the teaching-learning process on Hotel Technology Superior Course of the Federal Institute of Alagoas – Campus Maceió, from exercises where students are stimulated to experience and improvise situations involving direct hotel customer service. It presents results that were obtained based on students’ perceptions and the observations made during such dramatizations, wich generated the research, whose objective was to understand how classroom dramatization can stimulate the development of skills and competences necessary for the IFAL's Hotel Technology Superior Course students to perform their professional activity. The action research methodology was applied, using reports of students who participated in the dramatic exercises and the observation in the classroom as data collection method. The students surveyed reported that through dramatization they were able to “experience experiences in advance”, “improve learning and fix contents”, “facilitate the relationship between students and between students and teachers”, “overcome shyness”, “stimulate creativity and improvisation”, “contribute to the performance and insertion of students who are in the professional market”, among other benefits. Therefore, based on the students' perceptions and based on the theoretical studies, it can be concluded that classroom dramatization works as an inducer for the construction of skills required by the hotel professional, and it should be done more frequently and in a more systematized way.ptEducação profissional - DocênciaDramatizaçãoHotelaria - Ensino-aprendizagemHotelaria - HabilidadesDramatizationHospitality - Teaching learningHospitality - SkillsA dramatização como indutora da construção de habilidades e competências necessárias ao profissional da hotelariaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO