2024-08-272024-08-272024-08-272022-07-26https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/639Unemployment and the increase of social inequalities have become a worldwide problem revealing that the capitalist production mode is outdated. The present work aimed to evaluate the socioeconomic profile and environmental awareness of family farmers of the Quinta da Serra Settlement in the municipality of Viçosa - AL, through the data obtained through the application of a structured interview where the participants informed about their socioeconomic aspects and environmental awareness. With the data obtained, the reality was traced for knowledge of the profile of these farmers facing these issues, because it is known that after unemployment, many of these workers are without work options to acquire family income. The results found indicate that these farmers have precarious social, economic, and human conditions, but they are all aware of the relevance of their profession for family farming. Without burning, deforestation, growing food without using pesticides, they contribute a lot to the production of healthy food in the municipality of Viçosa - AL. In view of this, it is possible to notice in the data achieved, that despite the social and economic complexity, the profession of family farmer has not been a choice but a matter of survival, in which this working class needs more attention from public authorities and society. Thus, we conclude that it is necessary to develop public policies and search for alternatives to improve the farming systems of the settlement under study, and to create projects that optimize the management of agriculture in the settlement, as well as the development of permanent educational campaigns, training of farmers so that they are treated with the same rights and duties as other workers.Acesso AbertoPerfil socioeconômicoSensibilizaçãoAgricultura familiarSocioeconomic profileSensitizationFamily farmingPerfil socioeconômico e sensibilização ambiental dos agricultores familiares do Assentamento Quinta da Serra no município de Viçosa-ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS