2024-03-072024-03-072024-03-072022-09-13https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/438Ethanol is the most used renewable biofuel in Brazil, being considered the cleanest fuel when compared to gasoline. Like gasoline, ethanol emits gases, but in a smaller proportion. In such a way, reducing environmental impacts and consequences for human life. However, in the production of first-generation (E1G) and secondgeneration (E2G) ethanol, the raw materials that stand out in Brazil are, respectively, sugarcane and its residues, which are bagasse and cane straw. Unlike the conventional process (E1G), the production of second-generation ethanol require more technology, as additional steps are implemented in the process, such as pretreatment and hydrolysis of biomass, in order to obtain ethanol with high quality and productivity. Therefore, it can be concluded that ethanol is an alternative to reduce environmental impacts and contribute to the country's economy. Thus, the objective of this work is to describe the production process of second-generation ethanol (E2G) by means of reading scientific articles, monographs and reliable websites. It can be concluded that bagasse is a high-value residue, which can be reused by the sugaralcohol industries to generate other products, such as second-generation ethanol (E2G) and electricity, without the need to expand the area of sugarcane plantations.Acesso AbertoEtanol de segunda geraçãoBiomassa lignocelulósicaBaçaçoCana-de-açúcarProdução de etanol de segunda geração a partir do bagaço da cana-de-açúcarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia QuímicaTecnologia Química