2025-02-202025-02-202024-12-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/870Construction projects in the city should involve a technical team, adherence to bureaucratic procedures, and proper documentation in order to ensure that said projects comply with current legislation and technical standards. However, both unlawful construction projects without a permit and completed and occupied buildings without a certificate of occupancy are not uncommon. In Maceió, legislation such as the Master Plan and the Urbanism and Building Code guides urban development and provides the foundation for municipal inspections to check whether buildings comply with the established regulations. This research analyzes the work carried out by the city’s building inspection team regarding the issuance of notices of violation and of infraction for various types of non-compliance, including but not limited to any activity which requires a permit, such as construction, renovation, expansion, repairs, and demolitions; completed and occupied buildings without a certificate of occupancy; issues related to accessibility; and abandoned properties. The data was divided into different categories to facilitate quantitative analysis, with categories being year, neighborhoods, administrative regions, the type and stage of construction, and types of properties. A simplified guide was also developed for those seeking to correct code violations in accordance with the policies and procedures established by Maceió’s city government. The data analysis covers the period from 2020 to 2024, providing an overview of the work conducted by Maceió’s building inspection team, the regions and neighborhoods most targeted by inspections, and the most common types of properties to be non-compliant. Such studies are crucial for demonstrating the importance of public safety, of adherence to legislation, and of public confidence that the institutions in place are able to maintain order and ensure building safetyptEngenharia CivilConstrução civil - Maceió - FiscalizaçãoLegislação urbanísticaPlano Diretor de MaceióCódigo de Urbanismo e Edificações do município de MaceióUrban legislation - MaceióCivil construction - MaceióAnálise de irregularidades em obras de construção civil com base na legislação urbanística da cidade de MaceióTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVIL