2024-09-112024-09-112024-09-112023-05-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/720Environmental inspection is an instrument to guarantee environmental protection and the basic rights of citizens, according to article 225 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, which states that everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment. In view of the current context of environmental degradation, environmental management has become increasingly important, being responsible for the administration of economic and social activities in order to rationally use natural resources related to anthropic activities and interventions. In this context, this work aimed to describe the flow of the main actions of environmental inspection, such as the administrative procedure, competences related to the sector, quantitative notification, notice of infraction and complaints developed by the inspection of the public environmental management of the municipality of Maceió, pointing out some related socio-environmental impacts. For that, a research with a qualitative approach was carried out, through a case study at the Secretariat of Environment and Urbanism (SEMURB), which is responsible for environmental inspection in Maceió. So far, the municipality’s supervisory agency actions have been insufficient, highlighting the need for a more efficient, participatory public environmental management with proper compliance with legislation and the use of strategic planning methods. Thus, it is essential to use tools that contribute to making more assertive decisions in relation to the obstacles encountered, making the power of the environmental agency effective. Overall, it is necessary to adopt new practices that lead to significant changes in the quality of environmental management, especially in the inspection process, considering the importance of having a continuous improvement tool that allows for the best results in Public Management Environmental.Acesso AbertoGestão AmbientalResponsabilidade SocioambientalMeio AmbienteFiscalização AmbientalAdministração PúblicaAdministração PúblicaSocioenvironmental responsibilityEnvironmentEnvironmental inspectionPublic AdministrationGestão pública ambiental: uma análise dos avanços e desafios da fiscalização ambiental no município de Maceió - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS