2024-03-222024-03-222024-03-222018-06-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/492Due to accelerated population growth and the ever-increasing demand for housing close to the centralities of large cities, the value of the square meter has been increasing. Conversely, the size of the area of new ventures only decreases, configuring what can be called micro space. Currently the micro space is a trend of the real estate market, being sought by young couples and singles. In this sense, the need to develop specific furniture that meets this type of space and its public becomes essential, opening a range of possibilities for the interior designer. The present work aims to elaborate the design of a furniture for a micro space. To reach this objective, a bibliographic research was done about the micro spaces, to understand their characteristics, the profile of their users and the design requirements of their specific furniture. Was also sought to understand how the Alagoas’s micro space is configured through the analysis of new ventures in the Alagoas’s capital. Finally, a proposal is presented for a micro mobile that fits the micro space of Alagoas.Acesso AbertoDesign de InterioresMicro espaço - AlagoasMicro móvelMercado imobiliárioInterior designMicro spaceMicro furnitureCovo: proposta de micro móvel aplicado ao micro espaço alagoanoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ARQUITETURA, URBANISMO E DESIGN