2023-03-312023-03-312023-03-312022-12-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/159Excessive energy consumption in large cities for the development of day-to-day activities is an issue portrayed in several studies, with an incentive to conscious use of electric light, especially with regard to indoor lighting. The main objective of this work was to elaborate a candlelight lamp, which could in a functional and practical way, illuminate and partially perfume the place and also make up the interior space with its texture, color, history and sensations, promoting well-being to the user and the environment. With this context, the historical survey of the candle was developed, which over time ceased to be just an illuminating element, being today also considered decorative and welcoming. In addition, a field research was developed to raise the sensations and perceptions of users who use handmade candles, whose complementary study was paramount for understanding and interpreting behaviors and experiences. The last step was the elaboration of the product Candlelight Luminaire, whose creative process, which resulted in its proper development, was based on the Löbach method, enabling the generation of alternatives, which defined the relationship between the practical, aesthetic and symbolic functions of the luminaire. In turn, the present work brought an important reflection on the implications of excessive use of electric light and the consequent need to reduce the luminosity of the environment at night, encouraging the discussion of the theme for further research.Acesso AbertoVelaLuzExperiênciaInterioresCandleLightExperienceInteriorUma luminária à luz de velas para iluminar, decorar e sentirTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS