2024-03-012024-03-012024-03-012023-02-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/398The recycling of waste cooking oil brings several benefits, as well as the proper disposal of the waste, it contributes to environmental conservation. The use of biodiesel invehicles or in combustion engines considerably reduces the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds, the latter being one of the main causes of acid rain with a higher acidity content. Thus, this work aimed to show that biodiesel can be produced through the recycling of frying oil (soybean oil) through the transesterification reaction. The proposed methodology of this began with a collection on the Google Scholar website, on this platform 5,750 results were found and by sampling the first 5 articles were used to serve as the basis for this work. The intended files were located by inserting the keyword “biodiesel through frying oil” in the query field on the aforementioned virtual site. To better reproduce the biodiesel production process, it was based on the article “Biodiesel Production in 4 the Laboratory as a Tool for Interdisciplinary Teaching”, elaborated by COSTA, A., et al. (2015)Acesso AbertoBiodieselResíduosReciclagemBiocombustíveisTeoria e prática: proposta de reciclagem do óleo residual de cozinha para a produção de biodiesel como instrumento da conscientização e preservação ambientalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia Química.