2023-07-262023-07-262023-07-262023-05-18https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/244The main objective of this monograph is to demonstrate a successful case in implementing a network solution based on Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Remote Access Points (RAPs), which ensured access to the same resources and information available at the Attorney General's Office of the State Public Prosecutor's Office of Alagoas. To achieve this, the context and needs that motivated the implementation of the solution were presented, as well as the procedures used and their difficulties, in addition to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution. The results indicated that the solution was effective in meeting the institution's needs. Related works that were related to the results presented in this study were also discussed, showing the similarities and differences between the solutions implemented in each case. Finally, it is concluded that the implemented solution is feasible and can be replicated in other organizations.Acesso AbertoVPNPontos de Acesso RemotoMinistério Público Estadual de AlagoasSolução de RedeRemote Access PointsState Public Prosecutor's Office of AlagoasNetwork SolutionImplantação de Pontos de Acesso Remotos para integração do parque tecnológico entre as Promotorias de Justiça e a Procuradoria-Geral do Ministério Público Estadual de AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA