2022-08-102022-08-102021-07-16https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/143The theme of “Higher Education, Librarianship and Gender” is recent in studies in the area of Information Science, but it has grown due to the demand presented by social movements and by academics in the field of Human Sciences. The present research, at the master’s level, is based on the need to reflect on the profession and gender issues in professional training in undergraduate courses, understanding and reflecting on the ongoing curricular transformations, analyzing the existing gaps so that, in moments of curricular debates, contribute with theoretical bases and critical vision for possible reformulations. Started from the hypothesis that the gender theme interferes in some way in the formation of the Librarianship professional, due to its absence, since not taking it into account keeps the prevailing socially sexist view in what is conventionally called hidden curriculum, as for its presence. And, having this presence, how would it occur in the prescribed and practiced ways. The general objective was to analyze whether gender studies are included in the curriculum of the Librarianship Course at the Federal University of Alagoas, UFAL. Specific objectives were to identify if there is a reference on gender in the Pedagogical Political Project of the Librarianship Course; to find out if the undergraduate students and the set of professors consider it necessary to include the gender issue in the course curriculum, and to investigate how the professors of the Librarianship undergraduate courses at UFAL understand gender relations in the profession. It is interesting to consider that this qualitative and case study research had as locus a public university and used, for data production, documentary research and thematic oral history obtained in semi-structured interviews carried out virtually with undergraduate students and teachers of the Librarianship Course of UFAL. Among the interviews, there are two women members of the Academic Library of Librarianship who participate in the course's collegiate body. Among the professors, five women and one man, full members of the Librarianship degree who were willing to participate in the research, were interviewed. Both at the time of data production and analysis, it was based on a historical-dialectical materialist theoretical approach that sought to capture the movement of construction and reconstruction of the object through the semi-structured script in the categorization and analysis after the collated field results with the literature review of the field. In this search for the “it was, it is, it tends to be” movement, the aim was to provide critical knowledge that contributes to social transformation. Among other issues, data analysis showed that technological or traditional subjects are taught by teachers of both sexes. Regarding gender content, there was a common knowledge among the group of interviewees, although with different degrees of knowledge. Regarding gender in the course curriculum, it was observed that, both in the 2017 PPC and in the new one, of 2019, the theme appears in a similar way, appearing in some menus and bibliographies in a transversal way. When it comes to race, this appears in the 2017 and 2019 PPC, but it is detailed only in the last one, including a list of bibliography from which works to be worked transversally in various disciplines should be extracted. Finally, the transversality advocated by professors still requires a deepening so that gender is contemplated in a more comprehensive way in the training of librarians, especially at UFAL.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilGêneroBiblioteconomiaCurrículoEducação SuperiorA questão de gênero na formação de bibliotecárias/os: um estudo de caso no curso de biblioteconomia da universidade federal de alagoas.DissertaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS