2024-04-112024-04-112024-04-112024-03-27https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/510The reform of the new secondary education presents as the central axis of its reflections youth protagonism, autonomy, critical awareness, flexible curriculum, and the dichotomy between work and school. The objective of the study is to understand how the life project discipline promotes autonomy, protagonism, critical thinking, and prepares students for the world of work in state education networks in high school. For this, the method used consisted of surveying the official documents available on the website of the Alagoas State Department of Education that support the implementation of the life project curricular component, analyzing the material through a qualitative approach. The investigation reveals a major challenge of the new high school model, to guarantee the comprehensive training of students, prioritizing the development of socio-emotional skills, and at the same time responding to the desires of young people, guaranteeing qualification for the world of work and the continuity of studies, often failing to have a solid theoretical pedagogical basis in the development of the material. Finally, it can be understood that the life project requires critical reflection in relation to the proposals made in its formulation, looking at the context of secondary education reform, as it is an emerging discipline that does not derive from a disciplinary field or specific area of knowledge.Acesso AbertoQuímicaProjeto de Vida - Componente curricularAutonomia estudantilPensamento críticostudenty autonomyCritical thinkingLife Project - Curricular componentO projeto de vida como componente curricular no Ensino Médio do estado de Alagoas: autonomia, protagonismo, e o pensamento críticoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA