2023-12-142023-12-142023-12-142023-11-04https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/340The present work aims to study and analyze the practical experience and living within the context of the Technical Administration Course, with a focus on vocational education. This research is characterized as an analysis of the problem situation, a bibliographic study, and a proposal for educational intervention through the guidance of measures to level students and reduce school dropout. The results reveal the importance of integrating theory and practice for the development of professional competencies, as well as the positive impact of practical experience on students' formation. The research also highlights the challenges faced by students and instructors in the process of practical learning and provides suggestions to enhance this dimension of the Technical Administration course. Theoretical and methodological support was provided by scholars such as Mattos and Lemos (2022), Chiavatta (2012), Maldaner (2017), and Rose (2006). This study contributes to a deeper understanding of vocational education, technical training, and the challenges faced by instructors in their classrooms, offering valuable insights for educators, educational managers, and students. As results, curriculum improvement, student monitoring, and the continuous adaptation of technical education programs stand out, preparing students for a dynamic and challenging job market.Acesso AbertoCurso TécnicoAdministraçãoVivênciaPráticaEducação ProfissionalTechnical CourseAdministrationPractical ExperienceProfessional EducationAnálise da vivência e prática no curso técnico de administraçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS