2024-09-042024-09-042024-09-042022-12-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/687Ecosystems are natural systems that provide benefits to humans through ecosystem services. It is necessary to understand that this relationship occurring in a disorderly way can lead to imbalance and consequently negative environmental impacts by human actions. Thus, this research aimed to describe the ecosystem services according to the evaluation of the residents of the communities around the Lagoa de Jequiá Marine Resex, a conservation unit whose purpose of this category is to provide the sustainable use of natural resources to seek to understand the way ordering and interactivity between man and the natural ecosystem. In this research, agroup of residents was interviewed totaling 30 people, chosen according to the indication of the "SnowBall" method in which the members of this group answered semi-structured questionnaire regarding the importance of Resex and its natural components, on the environmental perception of aspects of relevance to the community as a whole. The data collected for analysis were structured using of statistics without parameters and in a qualitative way. From the identification model of the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) and there respective categories of provision, cultural, regulation and maintenance services, it was found that the Resex Lagoa de Jequiá provides a considerable range of ecosystem services such as: provision of fishing, water for diverse usufruct, source of biomass such as wood and fibers, resources for medicine, water and climate regulation, natural biological control, pollination processes, maintenance of biota, sociocultural interactions attributed to recreation, ecological tourism and the scenic beauties. The importance of Resex for the maintaining support for local communities, the regional ecosystem and its riches is remarkable, it is also necessary to implement additional tools to the management plan that promote effective actions from socio-environmental technologies provided by scientific studies for discussion in assemblies seeking improvements to reconciles the use of nature’s resources with environmental conservation, to mitigate environmental impacts in order to balance ecological functions, the social and economic environment, ensuring quality of life for current and future generations.jAcesso AbertoEcossistemasPercepção AmbientalServiços EcossistêmicosEcosystemsEnvironmental PerceptionEcosystem ServiceOs serviços ecossistêmicos proporcionados pela Resex Marinha Lagoa do Jequiá - AlTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS