2024-02-082024-02-082024-02-082023-11-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/360This research and the proposed and applied educational product focus on the dissemination of basic knowledge of administrative law, providing ease in the development of administrative practices by civil servants occupying positions within the career of administrative technicians in education. in federal educational institutions. The construction of critical knowledge about the area and the responsibilities of their positions, as well as reflections and changes in individual behavior and the teams they are part of, enables the omnilateral training of these employees. The investigative study is of a qualitative nature, of the action research type, whose methodological instruments for data collection included the application of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 13 (thirteen) TAEs, interviews with 5 (five) managers of the same Institute, a workshop with 07 (seven) TAEs, and bibliographic research. The result of the research revealed a lack of mastery of administrative law on the part of the participating civil servants and the existence of an understanding of separation between means and core activities, and not activities that complement each other and have interdependence. The research also made it possible to identify the existence of departmentalization of the institution, with the division of work between sectors and the consequent isolation of employees in their activities, in addition to the low knowledge by TAEs about the formal responsibilities of the positions they occupy, of the sectors where they are located and the formal structure of the educational institution itself. Based on the results found, an educational product was developed, applied and validated - an e-book - with the aim of constituting a guidance instrument for administrative activities in a critical and assertive manner, addressing the main rules that link to public administration, in particular, the activities of TAEs with federal institutes. The educational product may also contribute to professional self-recognition, with a consequent positive impact on the institution's final area.Acesso AbertoDireito AdministrativoAdministração PúblicaServidor PúblicoO fazer administrativo consciente: os conhecimentos básicos do direito administrativo aplicado às/os servidoras/es técnicas/os do Instituto Federal de AlagoasDissertaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITO