2024-02-292024-02-292024-02-292023-04-19https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/390Sugarcane is raw material for the production of sugar and ethanol, where by-products such as filter cake and vinasse are obtained throughout this manufacturing process. By-products are agro-industrial discards, that is, leftover materials that the main process does not need for the final product. In view of the bibliographical review, it was observed that the filter cake and vinasse have nutrients and minerals in their composition that can be applied in sugarcane planting lands to complement and satisfy the needs of the plant for its development when the soil alone does not have all the necessary components for the plant. Because they cause less impact on the environment when used as fertilizer, and are cheaper than industrial fertilizers, these by-products are a good alternative for sugarcane producers who need the properties that these fertilizers have, but who also want to save, therefore, the use of by-products replacing fertilizers are a good alternative for the preservation of the environment, for the plant that produces it and for small producers.Acesso AbertoSubprodutosTorta de filtroVinhaçaFertilizantesUso dos subprodutos da fabricação do açúcar e do etanol em substituição aos fertilizantesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia QuímicaTecnologia Química