2024-02-292024-02-292024-02-292023-03-08https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/391The improper disposal of organic waste, regardless of its origin, generates waste and contributes negatively to public health and the environment, compromising the quality of life of populations, especially in large urban centers. This scenario requires that measures be taken, seeking an improvement in the quality of life and protecting nature. It is in this sense that the objective of this work arises, to make a homemade compost bin, as an efficient alternative to recycle organic waste. Initially, a diagnostic evaluation was carried out, seeking to collect information from the community in general about what composting would be; if they have already used or if they had the habit of separating organic waste, among others. Soon after, the stage of making the compost was carried out, which is simple to handle, with residential organic matter, easily accessible material and using the microorganisms existing in the compost itself. After collecting the data, the surveys pointed out that the lack of knowledge or an adequate educational awareness system is one of the main reasons for the great waste of the organic fraction in the homes and that only about 40% of the interviewees have the practice of separating the organic waste of others. Regarding the construction of the homemade compost bin, it was possible to prove its great effectiveness in being an adequate and more correct destination for organic waste, because after monitoring some factors such as aeration, pH, temperature and granulometry, this process is capable of promoting an organic fertilizer and natural fertilizer, reducing the odor of residential garbage and reducing the amount of garbage sent to sanitary landfills. Thus, despite being a small compost bin, the results were satisfactory and could serve as a model for the preparation of domestic composting, being considered an action of great environmental and social impact.Acesso AbertoResíduos orgânicosCompostagem domésticaReutilizaçãoReciclagemCompostagem: uma estratégia sustentável para a redução de lixo orgânico residencialTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Agrárias