2024-01-252024-01-252024-01-252023-11-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/358The improper disposal of electronic waste is a huge threat to the health of humans and animals and it is also harmful to the environment. When incorrectly disposed, the hazardous chemical elements and heavy metals present in these equipments can contaminate soil, water and food. Due to the importance of this topic, a pedagogical intervention is being proposed with the aim of raising awareness among students of a 3rd year class of the Technical Degree in Electronics at IFAL/Campus Maceió about the importance of correctly disposing electronic devices due to the chemical dangers of an incorrect disposal of this type of equipments. A pedagogical intervention was chosen since it is an applied intervention that allows students to reflect on their ideas in a social and interactive environment along with their teacher and classmates. This intervention proposal will adopt a participatory approach, using a lesson, expository lectures and didactic games as the teaching strategies. This proposal encourages students to become more environmentally aware. Thus, after the intervention it is expected that the students will be aware of the correct disposing of electronic waste and of the chemical dangers of these equipments to human health and to the environment when incorrectly disposed. It is also hoped that the students will use the acquired information in their daily lives and that the proposed intervention will encourage them to pass on the information learned to other people, so that the proposed intervention will also have an impact on the society in general.Acesso AbertoAção docenteEducação profissional e tecnológicaIntervenção pedagógicaMetais pesadosResíduos eletrônicosElectronic wasteHeavy MetalsPedagogical interventionProfessional and technological educationTeaching actionO perigo químico do descarte incorreto de aparelhos eletrônicosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS