2024-08-092024-08-092024-08-092022-07-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/592Urban Solid Waste (USW) is one of the problems that is becoming increasingly present in society, due to the increase in generation to be active in consumption. Thus, this dissertation aimed to create an application for smartphones, +ecoponto together with the creation of informative content for digital tools (Instagram and Youtube) combined with environmental education, as strategies to support the management of MSW, in the municipality of Arapiraca - AL. The research is also research in two chapters, methodological composition based on a qualitative approach, with an exploratory and descriptive character as a case study. The data for the acquisition of information were bibliographically obtained through on-site and personal visits through the WhatsApp application (the latter means, due to the pandemic period). The procedures were divided into three stages. Initially, a prototyping of the application was carried out to display the places for solid waste disposal in the municipality. Data collection was carried out using a form on Google Forms, with a selective collection to profile the population, the data were treated and interpreted. Information on the points was sought for mapping the region with the City Hall, associations and cooperatives to incorporate the data into the application, emphasizing that the realization of visit data was due to the period of the pandemic. The work carried out in the creation of the application, ecoponto, which will be made available to the Arapiraquense population, and in the preparation of didactic material (video and information cards) shared on Instagram and Youtube media, with dissemination in profiles of cooperatives and associations of collectors in the city. In the course of the dissertation, Chapter I presents methodologies and steps for the elaboration of the application of its functionalities. Chapter II presents an approach on the use of social media as a tool to help the management of MSW, for the dissemination of content related to environmental education and the importance of associations in Arapiraca – ALAcesso AbertoColeta seletivaReciclagemFerramentas digitaisAplicativoSelective collectRecyclingDigital toolsCorrect disposalMídias sociais e aplicativo +ecoponto como ferramentas de apoio à gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Arapiraca - ALDissertaçãoOUTROS