2022-10-142022-10-142022-02-26http:// present work addresses the theme: "Linguistic Prejudice: Sociolinguistic Phenomena" investigating its occurrences and its transformation in the academic environment. The proposal was to carry out a theoretical analysis on the theme and its variations and how they influence the interpersonal relationships of the community that are inserted and what influences it brings to these relationships. As the review addresses the different types of prejudice, how they are triggered in society and in the school environment and why there is still this discrimination and how it affects society since there is not just a correct communication to be spoken, the contribution of communities to preserve their way of communicating. From this, during the research, there was a search to defend that there is not only one way to communicate and that communities can contribute to the preservation and dissemination of linguistic variations the way they are inserted in society and from the classroom. discuss its importance. The reason was when observing that the correct way of communicating and expressing oneself was taught and that generally this correct way did not encompass the customs of a region, locality and culture and that it was always from the formal perspective that it is passed on in formal education. disregarding non-formal study as well, as it is just as important. In this way, I intend to show that linguistic variation is present in society and is of great importance and teachings to all of us as educators and society in general to preserve and insert it in the middle of formal education, as this will help to mitigate prejudices in the use of language with the contribution of the main actors and the different ways of disseminating teachings and making citizens aware and fair, reflective and multiplier of knowledge and social awareness.Acesso AbertoLinguísticaPreconceito linguísticoSociolinguísticaRegionalismoPreconceito linguístico: fenômenos sociolinguísticosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES