2024-07-242024-07-242024-07-242024-02-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/554The present study highlights the school garden as an active methodology for Environmental Education (EE) in a Full-Time School, aiming to demonstrate the practice and its importance on environmental issues. With the objective of highlighting the contributions and challenges of the school garden as an active methodology in the teaching and learning processes regarding EE, aiming to emphasize the importance of the garden as an active methodology in teaching this subject. The methodology employed in this experiential report involved a descriptive exploratory approach of a qualitative nature. It explores the importance of practices for teaching environmental education, emphasizing the need for strategies to engage students in these crucial themes for the global context. The construction of the garden was a collaborative experience, in which students not only learned about cultivation, soil, and environmental care, but also developed leadership and teamwork skills. The reuse of PET bottles as material for the garden highlighted the importance of sustainability and waste reduction. Additionally, the project encouraged interaction among students, promoting the exchange of constructive information. The results indicated that the practice of Environmental Education, when incorporated into the school curriculum, can stimulate environmental awareness in students, inspiring them to adopt sustainable attitudes. The experience had a positive impact, highlighting the relevance of addressing active and accessible methodologies to discuss and learn about environmental issues at all educational levels. However, the present study had its challenges and limitations, such as the time for garden construction and suitable execution schedule. However, such challenges did not hinder the progress and development of the project. Thus, the intended objective was achieved, but it is emphasized the importance of further studies involving environmental themes addressed practically and accessibly to students at all educational levels.Acesso RestritoRelatoEnsino e PráticaReportingTeaching and Practice.Horta escolarRelato de experiência: Horta escolar como metodologia ativa para Educação AmbientalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA