2023-05-262023-05-262023-05-262022-03-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/204The present work has as main objective to show the literary way that the social ills, that reached the country of Mozambique, during the war period, are represented in the novel Terra Sonambula. In view of the sociological studies of literary works, in particular the work on canvas, it is worth noting that "Literature becomes a writing of resistance, that is, a form of survival amid the social chaos established in the country". (OLIVEIRA, 2011, p. 1). Thus, it is perceived that it is extremely important to highlight the work of social and cultural construction that Literature performs in society, it functions as a social apparatus responsible for cultural dissemination and for exposing in art form the realities and social transformations by which each and every society passes constantly. Mia Couto's text is classified as a novel, which has plurinlinguism as stylistic characteristic, according to Oliveira (2011), and is theorized by Bakhtin (2002) demonstrating that the “true premise of novelistic prose is in the internal stratification of language , in its social diversity of languages and in the divergences of individual voices that it contains ”(BAKHTIN, 2002, p. 72 cited by OLIVEIRA, 2011, p. 5). Given this concept, what matters to this work is the fact that this plurinlinguism, from the materialization of the free direct and indirect speeches, present in the work, allows the characters to gain voices and to express their concerns. The novel on screen represents with realism and fantasy the events experienced by two main characters Kindzu and Muidinga, and also the secondary characters report difficult days that passed in the midst of the civil war in the country of Mozambique. Another point raised by this work is the suggestion of a pedagogical activity from the reading of this book.Acesso AbertoRepresentação socialLiteraturaTerra sonâmbulaSocial representationLiteratureA constituição e representação social no romance Terra SonâmbulaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES