2024-03-062024-03-062024-03-062023-11-01https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/404The research analyzes the work Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis, from the perspective of urban spaces in Rio de Janeiro (in the 19th century), in an interrelationship between literature, geography, history and society; aspects that serve to reveal urbanity in the writer’s novels, stories and chronicles. This study intends to approach the urban space in Dom Casmurro in a distinct and authentic way, as the commitment is not discourse exclusively with geographic studies, like other productions already published in academia, but rather to base it on concepts and conceptions of literary studies and theorists. For this production, works by Terry Eagleton (Teoria da Literatura: uma introdução - 2006), Antonio Candido (Literatura e Sociedade - 2019), Alfredo Bosi (História Concisa da Literatura Brasileira - 2006), Roberto Schwarz (Ao Vencedor as Batatas- 2000a and Um Mestre na Periferia do Capitalismo- 2000b). Furthermore, bibliographic and documentary research is used as a methodological approach. In the study, social criticism will also be discussed; reflecting and denouncing relationships, bourgeois life, politics, social classes, and with it the particularities of Rio's time and space. To achieve the expected objectives, we seek to study the relationship between geographic space, literature, history and society in the writings of Machado de Assis; also analyze how the urban spaces of the city of Rio de Janeiro are presented in the author's short stories, chronicles and novels and evaluate how Machado's work - Dom Casmurro - situates us in time and space.Acesso AbertoDom CasmurroRio de JaneiroUrbanidadeUrbanityO espaço geográfico e construção literária em Dom Casmurro, de Machado de AssisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES