2024-08-202024-08-202024-08-202023-09-18https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/619The planet's population has been growing consistently over the decades. The most recent pro- jections indicate that in the next ten years we will have an increase of 80 million people and that this number will only increase in the following decades. This fact will bring a series of challenges and among them we can mention the need to produce food for this large number of people without compromising the environment even further. Each year, the agricultural harvest in Brazil has been breaking records, in the same way that the use of agricultural pesticides is increasing in the same direction. If these substances are not used appropriately, they will quickly harm the environment and monitoring becomes increasingly necessary. This monitoring is car- ried out through chemical analysis. Raising awareness among new generations about problems related to environmental degradation is important and this can be done in chemistry classes. As is well known, carrying out practices in the laboratory makes learning easier and more effective. In this sense, carrying out practical classes requires essential equipment: a potentiostat. This equipment is expensive and its use is mostly restricted to research laboratories. This research sought to develop a potentiostat capable of carrying out electrochemical analyzes with the main characteristics being its low cost, ease of manufacture and portability where its focus is not on carrying out analyzes with great precision to be used in classes for the quantification of internal contaminants. -environmental stress. We searched the literature for projects that included some of these characteristics to promote adaptations and improvements with the aim of minimizing costs. The equipment developed was subjected to calibration using the electrical resistance method to verify its compliance with Ohm's law. It presented a difference of +/- 0.14% in rela- tion to a fictitious resistance compared to a difference of +/- 0.1% presented by a commercial potentiostat. Improvements in the future such as improving the software with the insertion of new electrochemical techniques, modifying the microcontroller (Arduino pro mini, or similar and developing another communication cable.Acesso AbertoPotenciostatosEletroquímicaSensores eletroquímicosMeio-AmbientePotentiostatsElectrochemistryElectrochemical sensorsEnvironmentDesenvolvimento de um potenciostato portátil de baixo custo e seu uso em análises ambientaisDissertaçãoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA